【冀教版】Unit 3 Lesson16 Li Ming’s Summer Holiday公开优质评比课件+教案+素材(共32张PPT)

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【冀教版】Unit 3 Lesson16 Li Ming’s Summer Holiday公开优质评比课件+教案+素材(共32张PPT)

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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台Lesson 16 Li Ming’s Summer Holiday一、教材分析本单元中,李明、詹妮和丹尼将尽情享受夏季的各种活动,并讨论他们的暑假计划。本课为本单元的第四课。本课将教授描述李明今年的夏季活动的词汇。在教学时,文本的第一部分和第三部分进行整合,教师要跟随本课语篇创设情景,学习本课词汇和句型,并在summary时将第三部分更换人称复述课文,对本课知识加以强化,完成语言运用任务。让学生更好地掌握如何询问和他人进行简单的英语交谈。二、情分析通过之前的学习,同学们对will的使用已经醇熟,本课关键是如何本课的重点句型进行整合,拓展,并在实际生活中加以准确运用。三、本课时学完之后,学生能够:语言知识目标:在语境中,听懂、会说、认读、和辨析单词visit,并与相应事物之间建立联系。(学习理解)在图片和老师的帮助下理解内容,能够在语境中听懂、会说:What will you do for the summer holiday ---I will....(学习理解)分析文本,转换人称对Li Ming’s summer holiday复述,并创建对话简单构建自己的summer holiday.(应用实践)在教师的引导下,设计自己的一周计划,借助问题分步骤完成“My summer holiday”,体验并享受假期生活中美好的事物。(迁移创新)思维能力目标:能在课堂中运用所学语言进行交际学习能力目标:自己设计计划并能按目标完成文化品格目标:有计划地去完成事情,体验并享受假期生活中美好的事物四、教学重点学生能够运用will询问别人和描述自己喜爱的夏季活动,在生活情境中灵活运用并进行表达。五、教学难点构建“My summer holiday”,以及制定计划的重要性。六、教学准备多媒体、 卡片七、教学过程学习理解:Step 1 Warming up1. Greeting2. Sing a song: Oh summer’s coming!【设计意图】随音乐唱唱,营造一个轻松欢快的课堂气氛,拉近师生间的距离。Step 2 Presentation1.Free TalkT: From this song, What season do you know S: Summer.【设计意图】用问题复习,又引出本课重点话题,自然而然地进入学习状态。T: oh, summer is coming soon, I like summer. Because I will swim in the Sea. Do you like summer why (呈现图片帮助学生回忆)S1: Because I like to ....S2:….T:We will have a long holiday in summer.讲解holiday:please pay attention holiday .day meas 天。Holiday means 假期.we have two long holidays in a year. They’re winter holiday and summer holiday. Please read with me holiday.But this summer holiday is very special. Do you know why S1: it’s the last summer holiday in the primary school.S2: No homework.S3:....(与同学一起憧憬即将到来的暑假,激起学生学习兴趣)T:Do you like this holiday Are you happy? What will you do Will you watch TV all day Play the computer games, listen to the music all day I think you should have a healthy holiday. Look! Summer holiday is coming.Is that cool What will you do this summer holiday (chain game)I will give you one minute .please ask and answer as possible as you can.(教师提出问题,学生带着问题听录音,说出答案;再呈现图片,引出重点。)S:....Step2: PresentationT:OK.class! We have many things to do in summer. Last lesson we know Jenny will do this summer holiday.Today let’s look at Li Ming’s summer holiday.(板书题目) Now please listen and answer :Where will Li Ming go this summer holiday S: He will go to China.T: How will Li Ming go home S:He will fly home.T: Can Li Ming fly Does Li Ming have wings S: No.T: Fly home means go home by plane. Li Ming will go back to China. When will he fly home S: On June 25.Li Ming will be in China for the summer holiday. What will Li Ming do this summer holiday I will give you four sentences. First,please read these sentences. Then listen and judge which is right.(课件呈现when How Why 听录音,继续引导学生思考。将文字第一部分,分解呈现。)Please look here:1.Li Ming will visit his grandfather and grandmother.Visit: please look at this word。Letter i pronounced[i]. there are four meanings of this word. The word in this passage means go and see. If you want to use “visit”.you can say: visit my mother and father. Visit my aunt and uncle./my friends. Have you got it Li Ming will play ping-pong with Jing Danny and Jenny will miss Li Ming .They will call Li Ming .T:Now please look and listen to the sentences. Say”Yes”or “No”Got it Correct them together.T: Li Ming does many things.What else will Li Ming do for the summer holiday Please open your books and read Part1 carefully. You will get your answers. You can underline the answers by yourselves.T: Have you got it Who can tell us “What will Li Ming do for the summer holiday S: He will say hello to his mother and father.T: Yes. He miss his parents very much. He will say hello to his parents. Maybe he will give his parents a hug. No matter how far away parents are our most harbor. Let’s say “What else can we do for our parents ”S: I can sing a song for my parents....T: Later you will grow up. Please visit your parents frequently.Let’s ask Li Ming together: what will you do for summer holiday (PPt)T: Li Ming tells us :I will play with his cousin Jing. I will meet my friends.Are your answers the same with Li Ming (第一句) I think Jing is happy to see Li Ming.say it with Li Ming.第二句:Li Ming miss his friends. So he will meet his friends.T: Can you guess “How will Li Ming feel S: Happy.【设计意图】通过学生们的提问,引出他们要做的事,在通过问题和录音找到答案,学习句子,最后通过板书总结巩固所学。板书很好地给学生们一个整体的轮廓。T: Li Ming’s summer holiday is fun. Please look at the blackboard. Let’s say together: Li Ming will fly home on June25....Now please look at Part3. Please describe Li Ming’s summer holiday with partner and write it.T: Who can describe Li Ming’s summer holiday 【设计意图】通过上环节学生已大致了解本课的课文内容,同时利用时间轴来总结课文内容,给学生梳理了一个大概的轮廓,有利于学生的概述,语言输出。三:迁移创新T:Summer is my favourite season. Look! I will do many interesting things this summer. Can you guess You can according to these pictures. You can guess like this: You will....T:OK! Class. Summer holiday is coming. I will have much time to do many things I like. (PPT) What about your summer holiday Maybe you will travel visit your family and review your work. Please talk about it in your groups. Write down something about your summer holiday. Please think aloud.T: I give you some suggestions. You can refer to these question .Where will you go for summer holiday Who will go with you When will you do What will you do How will you feel T: OK! begin. Please think about it.【设计意图】让学生们小组合作的方式来讨论计划,学生会比较敢说话,小组合作的方式既能提高效率,又能创设一种真实的交际环境。Boys and girls. Now it’s your turn to share your summer holiday. Who can come here and share.can you read it 【设计意图】教师示范,小组合作,分享假期生活这样能激发学生表演和学习的热情。T: summer holiday is coming . please enjoy your holidays.HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)(共32张PPT)Unit 3 Lesson 16Li Ming's Summer HolidaysummerI like to swim in the sea.I like to .....holidayday假期play badmintonplay basketballplay footballplay ping-pongswimplay the guitarskipride a bikewatch TVrunfly a kitewritewalk to schoolsit in the sunread a bookdraw picturestake a bathWhat will you do for the summer holiday Jenny will go on a trip to the sea .She will swim in the sea.She will watch the ships and boats on the sea.Li Ming's Summer HolidayLesson 16Task1:Guess and answer :1. Where will Li Ming go for the summer holiday 3. When will he go home, on June25 or on May26 2. How will he go home He will be in China for the summer holiday.He will go home on June 25.He will fly home .go home by plane.1. Li Ming will visit his grandfather and grandmother.visit2.Li Ming will play ping-pong with Jing.3. Danny and Jenny will miss Li Ming.4. They will call Li Ming.Task2:Listen and judge “ or ” :х√visit第三人称单数:visits动词过去式:visited现在分词:visiting用法:visit sb/sp.1. Li Ming will visit his grandfather and grandmother.visit2.Li Ming will play ping-pong with Jing.3. Danny and Jenny will miss Li Ming.4. They will call Li Ming.Task2:Listen and judge “ or ” :х√1. Li Ming will visit his grandfather and grandmother.visit2.Li Ming will play ping-pong with Jing.3. Danny and Jenny will miss Li Ming.4. They will call Li Ming.хTask2:Listen and judge “ or ” :х√1. Li Ming will visit his aunt and uncle.He will play with his cousin,Jing.1. Li Ming will visit his grandfather and grandmother.2.Li Ming will play ping-pong with Jing.3. Danny and Jenny will miss Li Ming.4. They will call Li Ming.ххaunt and uncle.Task2:Listen and judge “ or ” :х√2.Li Ming will play ping-pong with his friends.Li Ming will meet his friends.Task2:Listen and judge “ or ” :1. Li Ming will visit his grandfather and grandmother.2.Li Ming will play ping-pong with Jing.3. Danny and Jenny will miss Li Ming.4. They will call Li Ming.хх√√aunt and uncle.his friends.х√He will say hello to his mother and father.He will be in China for thesummer holiday.He will say hello to his mother and father.He will visit his aunt and uncle. He will play with his cousin,Jing.He will meet his friends. He will play ping-pong with them.Task3: SummaryWhat will I do... You will buy some fruit.You will fly kites.You will swim in the sea.You will teach English.in the seaat schoolin the supermarketin the parkThis summer holiday, I will go on a trip to the sea.I will go to Hainan with my family. We will go there by plane. We will swim in the sea.I like to watch the ships and boats on the beach.I will fly kites with my children. I will buy some fruit at the supermaket. It’s delicious.We will have fun together.This is my happy holiday.What about you My summer holidayWhere will you go for summer holiday Why will you go there How will you feel Who will go with you What will you do for the summer holiday Think aloud:Think and write:Summer holiday is coming. I will do some interesting things.HomeworkRead and match.图片短语对对碰。(建议用时:2分钟)Read and number.阅读短文,给图片标号。 (建议用时:4分钟)Share your summer holiday.将自己的暑假计划分享给家人。(建议用时:6分钟)321HomeworkHomeworkHomeworkHomework15432Thank you !






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